3D printers in the medical field

Article n1: 3-D Printed ‘Hyperelastic Bone’ Could Be the Future of Mending a Break

A new composite material that integrates seamlessly into living tissue could someday bind bones and tendons together following an injury.
A synthetic mixture of ceramic dust and a polymer can be quickly 3-D printed in an endless variety of shapes and sizes, perfect for molding it to different body parts. Its sturdy yet porous structure allows living tissues to gradually infiltrate the graft and rebuild organic structures. It is also compressible when printed in the form of a grid, allowing surgeons to mold the shape of the material to better fit the graft site.
A Better Bone
The material, called “hyperelastic bone,” was created by researchers at Northwestern University as a better means of holding together or replacing broken bones. Previous materials used at graft sites were either toxic, difficult to work with or too dense for tissues to permeate them, forestalling a full recovery. The researchers say that their hyperelastic bone overcomes all of these issues, based on preliminary tests in animals. The material has not yet been tested in humans. They published their research Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
The researchers first tested their material in a mouse by fusing two of its vertebrae together. They surrounded the spine with their graft material on both sides, and after eight weeks enough bone and tissue had grown into the synthetic matrix to fuse the vertebrae together. Their next test was in a rhesus macaque with a damaged skull. They removed the weakened portion of the skull and replaced the bone with their synthetic graft. After four weeks, the graft had grown into the surrounding bone and integrated with the skull.
Strong and Flexible
The researchers print their hyperelastic bone as a thin grid-like sheet. The empty spaces give the material the ability to be rolled, pulled and squished without breaking or tearing — it pops right back into shape afterwards while retaining its strength. This is an important quality for surgeons who may need to manipulate the graft to better conform to an injury.
While the hyperelastic bone has not been tested in humans, the researchers did manage to grow human stem cells on the graft in the lab, a promising sign for future tests. The material could also be used to coat foreign objects like screws used in surgery to help them better integrate into the body.

Article n2: Revolutionary 3-D printed cast could be the future of comfort and design

A lot of good could come from Evill.
Jake Evill, a recent university graduate in New Zealand, is the creator behind a revolutionary 3-D printed arm cast whose provocative design is beyond eye-catching but lightweight, water-proof and inexpensive.
Called the Cortex Cast, his unique design uses a honeycomb structure similar to natural bone tissue to durably support and protect the body as an alternative to the bulk, weight and suffocation from ordinary plaster casts, according to Evill.
More importantly, he says, each cast is entirely custom-made to each user's body to ensure the greatest support in areas most needed for healing, while comfortably following the contours of the hand and arm.
The unique prototype is the result of Evill's senior design project at Victoria University in Wellington.

Using a home-made 3-D scanner, crafted from an adapted X-Box Kinect system, he was able to produce a clear scan of his own arm, one recently broken and confined to a cast inspiring his design.
"It was not pretty, but it worked surprisingly well," he told the Daily News in an email of the scanner's resulting image.
Evill then sent his self-made model crafted from the scan to a 3-D printing company in the Netherlands called Shapeways that produced the final cast out of nylon plastic.
It cost him $80, not including shipping, and all together took him three months to craft, he said.

Today the Cortex Cast has peaked interest from orthopedic surgeons in Europe and the U.S.
He says the cast's concept is hypothetically proven by fulfilling the requirements for fracture support - "being extremely strong, fully supportive and lightweight."
But tests are still needed to further prove this, he said.
Also, "We need to improve the time it takes to print and solidify as well," he added. Those advancements rely on the 3-D printing manufactures.

Since word of the Cortex Cast System broke he's been further contacted by potential investors, 3-D printing companies and product designers to help make his dream a reality.
"I am currently looking for the best option," he said on what route he'll take.
Among those also reaching out, to his great surprise, have been people currently suffering from fractured bones and being so confident in his design hope to become test subjects.
Wrist fractures are extremely common and difficult to fix, he explained. Throughout their treatment there's immense pain and suffering.

 "I had to regretfully tell them that it is not at that stage yet but really appreciate the interest and help is on its way!" he said.
As for his name, Evill, and any thoughts on going on for his doctorate, he enthusiastically admits, "Yes, Dr. Evill does have a good ring to it!"
"I would like to get one, but currently am unable to invest the time and money into getting one through study," he said while giving a nudge to any universities who'd like to award him with an honorary degree if his cast proves to be as successful as he believes.

Resume: Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new material they call hyperlastic bone. It is 3D printed ans can be used by surgeons to treat injuries almost as soon as the printer finishes. It will help patients regrow damaged or missing bone. It feels like sci-fi is slowly becoming science fact now.
There’s a new 3D printed cast that can allegedly helped bones heal faster, it is a latest development in combining two really and interesting technologies together to make one great. Casts have looked the same for quite a while now so it is time now for something new to work better, For a single 20 minutes daily sessions the system promises to reduce the healing process by up to thirty eight percent, moreover you get the benefit of 3D print design which helps keep the cast well ventilated and waterproof.
I am really excited that we are moving forward in the medical field with 3D printing, it is still prototype at this stage but the fact that 2 technologies are brought together to make a new purposed medical breakthrough is just amazing.


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